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Bling tea coffee and sugar canisters can require an investment that maybe you’re not ready to make as you have other more important priorities. Some of the products that you can buy may be a little too showy and not quite to your liking. In this case, you might consider making your own canisters.
Just as we can re-use glass jars after we have consumed the contents to make them into suitable kitchen canisters, so too can you recycle other jars to make them into attractive sparkly tea coffee and sugar canisters.
Watch the video below from Glam Designs by Callema to see exactly how to do this.
Here are the steps –
- Take container, she used an 11 oz one, spray it with metallic silver paint – 2 coats
- Mix mod podge with extra fine silver glitter and paint outside, let it dry for an hour
- Cut a single row of the bling wrap and glue (E6000) to the top of the container
- Now add several rows of the bling wrap to the lid of the container in the same way
- Next glue crystal knob to the centre of the lid, weight it with something to hold knob in place and leave to dry
- Now add glitter to the lid – apply 2 layers of mod podge and glitter mixture to lid then a final layer of just mod podge on top of that – after which sprinkle the glitter to stick with the mod podge layer
- Tap off excess glitter from lid and leave to dry
- Design your label if you wish to add one and glue that on then finally apply a layer of mod podge to seal it
- Remember not to soak these containers just use a damp cloth to wipe them.
It is possible to use glass jars too as was used in this video below also from Callema.
Using these same basic ideas there is no limit to what you can decorate using the bling tape and your imagination. It has applications for making all kinds of decorations for Christmas and birthdays – on cards, boxes and books too.
I noticed in these two videos that Callema mentions a machine she uses to create the logos and labels for her jars. I thought she said the word cricket which I only know as a sport that our family love to play and watch. After searching I discovered it is actually a CRICUT machine which I have never heard of til now. Looks like an amazing piece of crafting kit that I’ll need to explore.