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Recently I had to visit our local recycling centre which was quite an experience during the current pandemic. We were pleased to see that it was open as recycling waste was beginning to pile up in our small home.
We were all kitted up with masks for the virus and gloves to deal with dirty garden compost bags. After dodging others there I decided to have a quick look at the shop they have in the warehouse where they sell items that are too good to be chucked in the big containers.
I generally do have a look most times we visit but very rarely find something I can re-use. On this occasion, I spotted a couple of kitchen canisters that looked ok. After examing them to see they had no cracks I decided they would do in my kitchen.
My husband was not so keen initially but changed his mind after we took them home and gave them a good clean. Once we removed the grime I think they look quite decent and they match the black tiles in the kitchen.
As the saying goes –
One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
Having grown up on a farm I like the chickens they have illustrated on them.
So, if you dont have a big budget remember to look in those unlikely places for little gems like these.