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Multicoloured Country Styled Tea Coffee Sugar Canisters

These multicolored country-styled tea, coffee and sugar canisters can be purchased in a range of colours..

Click the image for more details on Amazon (affiliate link)
They have a look about them that is reminescent of a farm kitchen style. The labelling gives that idea too as they are done in a more traditional font.

These light containers are manufactured from galvanised metal with the lids having the all-important seal to ensure a good fit. They have a shiny finish to them.

You'll need to clean them by hand as they are not suitable for the dishwasher.

If you're concerned about capacity take care to study the dimensions before you buy. To give you an idea here are the cups sizes - 4, 7.75, 10.25, and 14.5 cups

As the range of shades in this set of jars is large they would fit in well in many different kitchen schemes and give it a charming farm type appeal.