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Lime Green Acrylic Canisters for Beverages

Are your kitchen worktops looking a bit drab? Looking for some containers to improve it? I like the light and bright look of these lime green acrylic canisters for beverages which have clear see-through bases but the lids are coloured. They would add a cheery look to any kitchen counter space that has a green color scheme to it.

Though they do not come prelabelled the fact that they are clear probably means you wouldn't need to label them.

The lids are an attractive shade with a handle to make them easier to open. They do have a good seal to preserve the freshness of the contents too.

The set of 3 are of differing sizes holding 8.75, 5 and 3.5 cups and are lightweight too.

As they are intended as storage jars they should not get dirty and a hand wash now and again would be all you really need.